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企 业 名 称:衡阳纲纤维厂

所 属 网 库:衡阳冶金网库

联 系 人:陈小彬先生

员 工 人 数:11 - 50 人

主 营 产 品:纲纤维 耐热纲纤维 钢板剪切钢纤维 纲线剪切纤维

公 司 地 址:中国 湖南 衡阳市南岳区 南三角线2号

联 系 电 话:0086-0734-6105179


邮 政 编 码:421001

公 司 传 真:

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:冶炼成套设备


    我厂是国内较早的耐热不绣钢纤维专业厂家之一。采用国外较新科研成果——快速熔抽法,本厂集生产、科研于一体,从事钢纤维生产、应用和开发。所生产的耐热不锈钢纤维系列产品均达到国外同类产品水平,广泛用于冶金、水泥、机械、石油、化工、陶瓷及公路等领域,有着可靠的经济效益。在同行业中,首家通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证。产品销售网络遍布全国二十多个省市。且远销欧、美、亚洲许多国家和地区,深受广大用户赞赏。 我厂位于南岳七十二峰之首的廻雁峰旁,近临湘江河畔。地理位置优越、交通便利、环境幽雅。我厂信守“以质量求生存,让用户满意、放心”的宗旨。热忱欢迎国内外厂商及业务机构与我们进行合作。 FACTORY INTRODUCTION Our factory is one of the earliest manufacturer Specialized in heat resisting rustless steel fibre, adopting the latest advanced techiques——Fusion and speedy stretch. Besides production, Weialso engaged in development and application of the steel fibre. The performance of our product can be the same as that of foreign steel firm Widely used in the field of metallergic, cement, machenical, petrochemincal, pottery and road. creating considerable profit for customers. Our factory is the first one awarded ISO9001 quality certificate in the field. Our sales network covers more than twenty provinces and also exported to countries in Asia, Europe and Amerca, Winning the applause of the customers. Our factory is located near HuiYan Peak——the first One in seventy two peaks of NanYue mountain, adjacent to Xiang Jiang River. With such a prominent situation, agreeble surroundings and convenient transportation, We adhere to the principle:“Depending on high quality to acquire the satisfaction and confidence of the customers” We hope a cooptrative reltionship could be established with manufacturers and agencies from all over the world.
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